Energy Benchmarking of Manufacturing Processes in Foundation Industries

As industry increasingly looks at ways to reduce their environmental impacts, manufacturing processes have come under greater scrutiny.  The manufacturing sector accounts for 38% of global energy consumption and 25% of global CO2 emissions, much of which comes from process energy and electricity consumption. To reduce these emissions, it is imperative to find ways to reduce the energy consumption in manufacturing either using more energy-efficient equipment and processes or by moving towards to renewable energy. In order to identify areas of inefficiency and which changes will have the greatest impact, benchmarking energy consumption, or determining the “best practices”,  in manufacturing processes is a critical step.  By comparing energy utilisation data to industry standards or to similar operations, manufacturers can get a greater understanding of their energy consumption and determine the areas to tackle first for the greatest effect. External benchmarking, against other companies within the same sector, and internal [...]

2024-01-19T14:28:03+00:00January 15th, 2024|

Sustainability Metrics – upcoming challenges for FIs

Over the past year, TransFIRe have been working alongside North Lincolnshire Council, in order to create a ten-month action plan to tackle the subject of sustainability performance. The action plan promotes guided peer-to-peer learning by sharing knowledge and experiences across different types of foundation industries and their supply chains.  The plan has consisted of three-phases: a) June 2023: An introductory webinar open to all industries from North Lincolnshire (Stage A) b) July 2023: A workshop with a small group of companies (Stage B) c) Oct 23 - Jan 24: Group work with four companies (Stage C) Currently, our TransFIRe researchers are working on stage C of the plan, “Peer to Peer Network of Practice”, which brings together a small number of companies to answer questions such as: why are you making and reporting sustainability measurements and how accurate is your data? It is expected that participating companies will learn [...]

2023-12-15T09:04:21+00:00December 7th, 2023|

Challenges in Sustainability Reporting Webinar

Following in depth research with local businesses TransFIRe in partnership with North Lincolnshire Council invite you to attend a series of curated events focusing on sustainability. In response to the increasing pressure to report on your sustainability credentials, how can sustainability metrics help evidence the positive benefits of your activities? TransFIRe is seeking to help high energy using companies to understand and use the emerging reporting requirements to benefit both their competitiveness as well as their sustainability reporting and performance. We particularly welcome SMEs to these events in addition to larger companies. This first event brings you a webinar to brief you on the emerging reporting requirements, provide examples of how metrics have been used in other businesses to best effect and interactively share local good practice. You will also get insight to the latest thinking of how working with wider stakeholders boosts long term performance. Following this event [...]

2023-06-16T10:46:12+00:00June 12th, 2023|

Key performance indicators in sustainability reporting: what do we need to measure?

Sustainability reporting is a vital tool to provide information on an organisations’ social, economic, and environmental performance and is an essential way for organisations to demonstrate accountability to their various stakeholders.  But how do companies know which metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) they should use? The TransFIRe project through its different Work Streams (WS) is addressing the need of identifying the most suitable metrics for the foundation industries (FI), by looking at different levels for measuring and reporting performance, ranging from the process level to factory level and eventually to the “beyond the fence” level (a system view, looking from the perspective of external stakeholders, including the surrounding community, and the environment). Figure 1 - Schematic representation of the different levels for measuring performance of FIs.   Process level metrics At a process level, TransFIRe researchers have created a framework to help the manufacturing industries identify the right [...]

2023-06-05T11:02:10+00:00May 16th, 2023|