About TransFIRe

TransFIRe is a UKRI-funded (ISCF TFI challenge) programme investigating how the foundations industries – cement, metals, ceramics and glass, paper and chemicals – can develop innovative solutions to reduce energy and resource use.

It is a proactive, interdisciplinary, inclusive research and practice driven hub with 12 research organisations based in the UK and more than 80 project partners from across the foundation industries, trade associations, professional membership bodies, civic sector and government organisations.

More information


The UK chemicals sector is diverse and includes a wide range of organisations using different chemical processes to convert raw materials… read more


There are some 11,100 companies in the UK metals industry, employing around 230,000 people and directly contributing nearly £10.7bn to UK GDP… read more


The UK’s glass manufacturing sector contributes around £2bn to the UK economy annually and directly employs around 6,000 people, with an estimated… read more


UK concrete and cement currently account for around 1.5% of UK carbon dioxide emissions, five times lower than the global average where cement… read more


UK papermaking acts as the foundation for a paper-based sector representing a collective turnover of £11.5 billion per annum and directly employing… read more


The UK ceramic industry manufacturers a diverse range of products including bricks, roof tiles, drainage pipes, wall tiles, tableware, giftware,… read more

Our research

Our programme will develop a self-sustaining Hub of expertise to support the Foundation Industries’ transformation into non-polluting, resource efficient modern competitive manufactories working in harmony with the communities in which they are situated, providing attractive places to be employed with unparalleled ED&I performance. The research objectives will be developed from three parallel initial work streams.