Final TransFIRe Celebration Event

TransFIRe Academics presented results from the project at our final event at the Cranfield Management Development Centre on the 12th June 2024.

Sustainable Manufacturing: past, present and future

Professor Mark Jolly, Director of TransFIRe spoke at the Sustainable Design and Manufacturing Conference in Bari, Italy on the 18th September.

Foundation Industry Forum 2022 Workshop 3: Horizon Scanning and Research and Innovation Priorities

This session explored four future scenarios for the Foundation Industries, invited discussion on approaches to resolve challenges, and set priorities for research and innovation in the short term and for further investment in the longer term.

Foundation Industry Forum 2022 Workshop 2: Transformation Futures, Sharing updates from our Projects

What needs to happen to transform Foundation Industries? Completed Network+ project showcase. TransFIRe Technical Working Groups & Case Studies. Discussion on learning and insights from research and how it supports transformative change.

Foundation Industry Forum 2022 Workshop 1: Transforming Industries from Within – our EDI approach

How do we become truly transformative within our industries? How can we become more inclusive and diverse in our workforces? What are some of the changes that we are making.

TransFIRe launch

Introduction to TransFIRe, objectives, industry perspectives and equality, diversity & inclusion.

Workstream 1: Gentani – Minimum resource to carry out a process by Jonathan Cullen

Listen to our Workstream 1 lead, Jonathan Cullen on using the Gentani philosophy to explore best practice for common processes and equipment and identify the theoretical and practical limits for resource use (energy, materials, water) and minimum environmental impacts (dust, emissions, waste) across sectors. This unique approach will identify cross-sector opportunities for improving plant performance.

Workstream 3: Working with communities by Peter Ball

Listen to our Workstream 3 lead, Peter Ball on working with communities, exploring: Business practices, how to foster a culture of sharing and collaboration? How stakeholder co-design impact on value creation? Developing new businesses and business opportunities and much more..

Resource Efficiency conference

Listen to Bryony Livesey (UKRI) on industrial strategy, decarbonisation and resource efficiency and Nancy Bocken on Transition management & circular business model.

Resource Efficiency conference: Parallel session on ceramics, cement & glass

Listen to talks from Encirc360, Glass Technology Services, Concrete4change & Gas Recovery and Recycle Ltd.


Resource Efficiency conference: Parallel session on paper & chemicals

Listen to talks from Kimberley Clark, Fiberight, Mitsubishi chemical, and National Translational Energy Research Centre.
