Facilitating industrial symbiosis

Last month TransFIRe brought together a wide range of industrial partners to offer them a chance to discuss and exchange information on the materials, waste and services that they have within their organisations and how these could potentially be used to supply another company as part of an ongoing agreement. TransFIRe has been helping the foundation industries (paper, cement, ceramics, metals, chemicals and glass) in the UK to collaborate to help tackle CO2 emissions and waste. The way that the products we use on a daily basis are produced tend to rely on established processes that utilise very expensive equipment and assets and often produce large amounts of waste. There is a huge demand for change in the way this is done in order to improve profitability and help become more sustainable. This Industrial Symbiosis Workshop, facilitated by International Synergies and project lead Dr Lampros Litos, enabled companies such [...]

2023-05-16T12:15:05+00:00May 16th, 2023|

TransFIRe Industrial Symbiosis Workshop helps identify new valuable partnerships with foundation industries

Over the past few months, TransFIRe has been working with project partner International Synergies Ltd on their first industrial symbiosis workshop, generating a range of exciting results with the potential to reduce cost, cut carbon emissions and reduce waste disposal for foundation industries. The workshop brought together around 50 participants from over 30 organisations with the aim of bringing together the six foundation industries (cement, chemicals, ceramics, metals, glass and paper), with representation from their respective supply chains, to identify opportunities for industrial symbiosis. Companies exchanged information on the resources, wastes and by-products they had and which they could benefit from, highlighting a significant number of industrial symbiosis synergies, some quick wins and other longer term innovation opportunities.  These are currently being taken forward and developed by the TransFIRe team in close collaboration with our project partners. Out of the 172 resources presented, 83 ideas, or potential synergies, [...]

2023-02-27T15:03:10+00:00January 24th, 2023|