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On International Women in Engineering Day, The Transforming Foundation Industries Challenge invites you to ignite your inner innovator.  Set in the UK’s National Institute for advanced materials research and Innovation, you will hear from incredible speakers who are raising the profile of women innovators as thought leaders in the Foundation Industries and making impactful changes from within their organisations. Join our workshop led by Stronger Stories where you will also have the chance to develop your own storytelling skills in order to become effective ‘intrapreneurs’ and create change from within, fairer and faster. There will also be a facilitated networking session to encourage interaction between a wide range of cross-sector stakeholders and partners with expertise or interest in the foundation industries/materials sectors.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Tata Steel
  • Rolls Royce
  • Materials Processing Institute
  • Viridor

Who should attend

Businesses in the foundation industries or related materials sectors who champion proactivity, resourcefulness and innovation.

Why should you attend

Intrapreneurship can help foster innovation, identify new business opportunities, increase employee engagement, develop leadership skills, and improve problem-solving abilities.

This event is in-person only and spaces are limited to 25 attendees which will be allocated through an Expression of Interest form.

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