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To support the progress towards the 2040 Net Zero commitments, TransFIRe in collaboration with North Lincolnshire Council is seeking to work with companies, particularly high energy use industries, on considering how to align with broad economic, environmental and social metrics arising from emerging national and international standards. In doing so, companies can evidence their progress to stakeholders as well as drive activities beyond the factory gate that give potential for greater net zero reductions for themselves and their community.


Half-day Workshop: Exploring needs and interests

Purpose: This will be a workshop for manufacturing companies to hear from experts within policy and sustainability to explore current and near future needs for sustainability metrics in detail and how manufacturers can aid in decision making and progress toward Net Zero and other sustainability targets.

Outcomes: We expect you to leave the workshop with:

  • Better understanding of enablers and good practice for sustainability metrics setting.
  • Better understanding of broader metrics can uncover opportunities for bigger savings.
  • Insight to how working with other stakeholders locally can generate win-win opportunities.
  • A plan for engaging in metrics development in Q3 2023.


Arrival, buffet lunch, opportunity to network

Welcome and objectives

Enablers and barriers for implementing system wide sustainability metrics. Manufacturer experiences and practice data from TransFIRe.


How collaboration for net zero can be driven and reported by metrics.

Action planning and close


Team: North Lincolnshire Council, University of York TransFIRe team and Green Knight Consulting.

Registration: Free to attend, manufacturers please register here.

Who to contact?

For how TransFIRe could help your business, please in contact peter.ball@york.ac.uk or jr.candia@york.ac.uk

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