1. Mirroring WS2.2, amounts of low-grade heat will be quantified and assessments made of the technologies and changes in social practice
    required to capture the energy across sectors, learning from global best-practice regarding achievements in low-grade energy capture and the associated economic, social and environmental impacts.
  2. Identify the potential for co-located businesses, social enterprises and community benefits in 8 specific case-study locales to be selected in the first six months.
  3. Develop concept-design value opportunities (e.g. waste heat and CO2 for horticulture) as well as identifying sources of funding for prototypes and demonstrators.
  4. Develop new ways to disseminate innovative practice across sectors (metals to quarrying etc) not only through firms, sector bodies and researchers, but through communities and employees’ organisations, leading to community-2-community learning.
  5. Examine the range of impact assessment tools currently available (including for assessing equality and gender impacts, and wellbeing)