“Global mobility of employees (GLOMO)”

A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded under H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017
is recruiting an early stage researchers for remaining 9 months fixed-term, fully funded (PhD pre-research) position (100%)


Topic No: Early Stage Researcher 7
Project Title: Managing global compensation and rewards
Host Institute: TBS Business School, France
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Cordula Barzantny (Toulouse Business School, FR), Prof. Dr. Michael Dickmann (Cranfield University, UK)
Starting date: 1st of December, 2021 (9 months contract) – Contract until 31st August 2022

Short description: ESR 7 will develop an understanding of the importance of the various logics of personnel administration and mobility incentive systems in various European countries and cultural context configurations. Contrasting patterns of influences and development of mobility barriers due to
compensation and benefits’ system differences in Europe and beyond will be compared, leading to a conceptualization of a possible European harmonisation of policies and systems to facilitate European and global mobility, transnational leaves as well as European mindset development for supportive global mobility practice. A previous ESR has been collecting data with AIRBUS as a global employer. We expect that the remaining time of the project can see a scientific output from the collected data to better understand and enhance global mobility policies.


  • Understand the various logics of compensation and benefits within the various European countries.
  • Compare contrasting patterns of influences and development of mobility barriers due to compensation system differences in Europe and beyond (analysis of local compensation and benefits in various European countries, data mapping and tracing of local tax and social practices and their impact on mobility barriers).
  • Conceptualise a possible European/ global harmonization of compensation and benefits systems in order to facilitate European and global mobility.

Expected Results

  • Elaborate innovative solutions for developing a consistent compensation and benefits approach system across at least four European countries for mobility purposes and beyond if possible
  • Help organisations and institutions to manage and ultimately attract and retain expatriates and international leaves.
    Knowledge and best practice on trans-European accounting practice.

We seek

A candidate (male – female – diverse) having a relevant university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Business Administration with a focus on Human Resource Management or International Management, Business Psychology, Economic Geography, Sociology, Business Pedagogics or related fields.

Please submit your application to glomo@uni-bamberg.de and c.barzantny@tbs-education.fr


Prof. Dr. Cordula Barzantny
Toulouse Business School
Department of Responsible Organisation and Human Resources
1 place Alphonse Jourdain
F-31000 Toulouse
E: c.barzantny@tbs-education.fr
T: +33 561 29 49 33