As part of Manufacturing and Materials Week at Cranfield University, Professor Mark Jolly, Director of Manufacturing at Cranfield University and Director of TransFIRe, delivered an outreach event to pupils of Bedford Road Primary School.

The children visited the Cranfield campus where Professor Jolly talked to the children about what triggered the start of our increased use of fossil fuels, sustainability and ways in which we could all think about reducing our carbon footprint in our day-to day lives.  They then had the opportunity to explore the labs and 3D printing equipment and to talk to some of our researchers about the work they are doing.

The children also made a series of pledges of ways they would try to reduce their carbon emissions, generating ideas such as reducing the number of single use aluminium cans they used to reducing their meat consumption!

The aim of the event was to try and inspire the next generation to tackle climate change and let them know about some of the work happening at Cranfield and for the TransFIRe project.

Professor Jolly said “The event was fabulous and the pledges from the children were really heartfelt.  If we can persuade more of their generation to take of the challenge of Climate Change, we will have done a great job!”

Lucy Oliver, a teacher who attended the event, said “We had a brilliant day – my class really loved it. They learnt an awful lot which they then transferred to their geography lessons, which was brilliant as it meant that they had taken on board what they had learnt. The whole experience was fantastic!”

If you are interested in running public engagement events and would like for TransFIRe to be involved, then please contact our Events and Communications Coordinator, Joanna Johnson, to discuss any possibilities.