Lessons learned from differing priorities for stakeholders

TransFIRe User Journey Method Pilot Study: Lessons learned from differing priorities for stakeholders J McKendree & S Cinderby Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York Summary TransFIRe Workstream 3 (WS3) explores collaborations between Foundation Industries (FIs) and nearby communities. User Journey methods are useful for exploring expectations, challenges and potential solutions in such partnerships. A workshop was planned to pilot a User Journey with an example FI, local businesses and community organisations concerned with skills promotion and net zero goals. Community organisations were more likely to show interest than the FI companies or local small businesses. Finding the appropriate contact for community engagement in industry was difficult. Many FIs have limited time for external engagement and prioritise technical actions to increase short term productivity and profitability. TransFIRe could potentially facilitate industry/community connections and collaborations. Conducting individual User Journey interviews remotely may offer a more effective means of exploring opportunities than [...]