New products from high-grade polymer particulate waste streams

TransFIRe researchers at Northumbria University have developed a method to convert waste polyethylene terephthalate (wPET) into an unsaturated polyester for use in protective coatings applications, thereby also lowering the demand of virgin petrochemical feedstocks typically required to produce these polyesters.  State of the art mechanical separation of mixed plastics which are predominantly PET at recycling centres works by converting large objects into a “flake” which can be separated efficiently into very high purity recycled wPET content. However, a proportion of the throughput can only be purified to 90-99% PET purity due to the presence of small and often highly coloured flakes of other plastics, and hence has no commercial value. This fraction of the wPET process is incinerated or sent to landfill rather than used in closed loop recycling. These so called “flake losses” account for around 160 ktpa of PET lost from the closed loop recycling process in Europe [...]

2024-05-07T12:21:10+00:00April 29th, 2024|

TransFIRe at the TFI Network+ Conference

TransFIRe made an appearance at the excellent Transforming Foundation Industries Network+ Conference in Sheffield this week. It was great to get together with other members of the TFI community and hear about the different Network+ funded projects! As part of the event, TransFIRe researchers, James Railton, PhD, Natanael Bolson and Ahmed Khalil, generated a lot of attention with their posters on “Polymers in the Foundation Industries”, “Resource Flows in UK Steel Production” and “Exploring New Horizons for Waste Recycling in Foundation Industries with ThermoRecycliSt’s Universal Guidance Approach”. Dr Michal Drewniok also gave a presentation on "Element-based mapping to identify industrial symbiosis opportunities in the UK cement, steel, glass and ceramics sectors". A great event and a number of contacts made – thanks Transforming Foundation Industries Network+! You can read a short write up of the conference here and see some of the presentations (including Michal's) here .  

2023-12-08T14:26:39+00:00December 8th, 2023|