Inclusive Innovation in the Foundation Industries

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to meet Karen Souza, D&I Partner at Innovate UK KTN.  I was excited to hear about their focus on Inclusive Innovation, and immediately asked her to join us for our next TransFIRe EDI Working Group Session.  Our EDI Working Group brings together people who are advocating and leading change for EDI in their businesses and industries, from the TransFIRe research community and our industry partners.  Our industry participants represent production, research and development, and HR roles, and I was excited to bring the Inclusive Innovation discussion into this forum. Karen Souza Roll forwards a few weeks, and our session did not disappoint.  Karen explained how UKRI’s vision is to work with partners to shape a dynamic, diverse and inclusive system of research and innovation in the UK. While the UK has incredible diverse talent, it is recognised that there [...]