Embedding TransFIRe within industry

Secondments are a brilliant way of offering professional benefits to both companies and employees, in our case researchers, alike. For industry, it can be an opportunity to bring someone new into their company, with a fresh set of eyes and skills, that has the potential to help develop a new area of business or solve a particular problem and to help build collaboration. For secondees, it’s an opportunity to immerse themselves in the fabric of a company, help bring their expertise to the table and broaden their skills and knowledge. In light of this, it has been really important and worthwhile for TransFIRe to have a number of secondment placements set up for our research staff for a range of Foundation Industry companies. These placements focus on short term projects or challenges that are of benefit to both the companies and to the TransFIRe researchers. For example, this month [...]

2023-08-09T14:35:49+00:00August 9th, 2023|

Investigation into the composition of commercial glass reveals energy saving potential

TransFIRe researchers from the Sheffield Hallam University have been investigating the composition of commercial glass currently present in the UK market following a lack of recent research and data on the subject. The study involved sampling and analysing the compositions of over 30 commercial container and float glass samples from the UK market and found a number of different properties within the glass that could bring about significant potential for energy saving in its production. Based on the results obtained from the compositional analysis, the performance of these commercial glasses was evaluated using multiple analysis methods and property models. These analyses reveal that glasses of the same colour and function exhibit different properties, with a difference in the estimated melting temperature (Log 2 viscosity) of over 20 degrees Celsius in some cases. Fig.1 Melting temperature difference between current UK container glasses: 21oC. At present, there is a [...]

2023-07-25T14:11:27+00:00July 25th, 2023|

Investigating alternative uses for Spent Foundry Sand

After an extensive literature review by TransFIRe researchers, a number of potential applications for re-using huge quantities of Spent Foundry Sand (SFS) have been identified. As part of Work Stream 2 of the TransFIRe project, which focusses on creating new materials and process opportunities for the foundation industries, TransFIRe researchers have been undertaking a case study focussing on potential uses of Spent Foundry Sand (SFS), a waste product of UK metals foundries leftover after the production of sand moulds or cores for casting of metals. A literature review, carried out with input from the Cast Metals Federation, John Winter Ltd and Wm Lee Ltd, was undertaken to identify potential opportunities for re-using SFS and several applications were identified within ceramics, glass, cement, fillers in concrete and asphalt; and several others. Although SFS can be successfully recycled and used numerous times, the sand grains eventually degrade and their ability to [...]

2023-05-15T08:44:48+00:00May 15th, 2023|