The Aluminium Action Plan: Charting a Sustainable Path Forward

The aluminium industry, with its extensive global influence and importance, finds itself at a crucial crossroads. Recognising the vast potential of this metal in the shift towards a circular economy, the Aluminium Action Plan was devised. This thorough plan provides a distinct direction for the future of the aluminium industry in the UK, underscoring its endless recyclability and the nation's aspiration for sustainable growth. The Action Plan is the fruit of in-depth consultations with UK industry, government, and academia. It sketches a strategic roadmap, detailing short, medium, and long-term goals. These span from immediate actions to address current shortcomings to transformative steps intended to revamp the system entirely. The plan's primary areas of focus encompass circular design, recovery, and business models: Circular Design: This pertains to the creation of products designed for straightforward disassembly, reuse, or recycling. By adopting a circular mindset in design, the industry can ensure products [...]