Latest Key Publications by Early Stage Researchers

The GLOMO consortium has had a major success at the European Academy of Management Conference (04.-06. December 2020). The ESRs and their supervisors were active in a symposium organized by Professor Michael Dickmann, Professor Maike Andresen and Professor Vesa Suutari that explores exciting recent developments of global mobility and the work that is being undertaken by GLOMO. In addition, several projects present their research in the Expatriate Management Track.

An overview of further key publications by the GLOMO consortium is presented below


Arifa, Y. and Khapova, S. (2020). How do individuals form their motivations to expatriate? A review and future research agenda. Submission to Human Resource Management Review.

Arifa, Y. and Khapova, S. (2020). How do individuals form their motivations to expatriate? A review and future research agenda. Conference presentation in WU Vienna, February.

Suarez Bilbao, B. (2020). “The Reasons & Motivations for Expatriation”, Wikipedia publication (added to the general Wikipedia “Expatriate” part). Submitted to Wikipedia for Verification in November 2020.


Olesceviciute, E. (2020). International Transfer of Career Capital. Wikipedia Publication, Submitted to Wikipedia for Verification in November 2020.

Olesceviciute, E., Dickmann, M., Parry, E. and Andresen, M. (2020). International transfer of Career Capital possessed by Self-Initiated Repatriates. Symposium Paper European Academy of Management Conference (virtual), 04.-06. Dec 2020, Dublin.


Biswas, T., Mäkelä, L. and Andresen, M(2020) Work and non-work related antecedents of expatriates’ well-being: A meta-analysis. Academy of Management Conference (virtual), 7-11 August.

Biswas, T., Mäkelä, L. and Andresen, M(2020)​ Work and non-work related antecedents of expatriates’ well-being: A meta-analysis. European Academy of Management Conference (virtual), 4-6 December.

Biswas, T., Mäkelä, L. and Andresen, M(2019) Work and non-work related antecedents of well-being for mobile employees: A thematic review. Nordic Academy of Management Annual Conference, 22-24 August, Vaasa, FI.

Biswas, T., Mäkelä, L. and Andresen, M. (2019) Work and non-work related antecedents of well-being for mobile employees: A systematic review and theoretical extension. 15th Vaasa Conference on International Business, 19-21 August, Vaasa, FI.

Press release from UVA (2018): GLOMO project description and research interests.

Press release from VOX Cordis Magazine (2020): Well-being in expatriates research.


Mello, R., Suutari, V, and Dickmann, M., (2020). Unpacking the Assessment of Expatriates’ Career Success after their International Assignments: A Review and Future Agenda, European Academy of Management Conference, 04 – 06. December, Dublin.

Mello, R., Suutari, V, and Dickmann, M., (2020). The Impact of Global Work on the Career Success of Assignees. The ‘High Density’ Nature of Global Work, University of Tampere Conference, 10 – 11. November, Tampere.

Mello, R., Suutari, V, and Dickmann, M., (2020) International Assignment and Career Success: A Review and Future Agenda, International Human Resource Management Conference, 02 – 05. June, Paris.

Mello, R., Suutari, V, and Dickmann, M., (2020). International Assignment and Career Success: A Review and Future Agenda, Academy of Management Conference, 14 – 15. February, Vienna.

Mello, R., Suutari, V, and Dickmann, M., (2019). Unpacking the Assessment of Expatriates’ Career Success after their International Assignments: A Review and Future Agenda, Nordic Academy of Management Conference, 22 – 24. August, Vaasa.

Mello, R., Suutari, V, and Dickmann, M., (2019). Unpacking the Assessment of Expatriates’ Career Success after their International Assignments: A Review and Future Agenda, Vaasa Conference on International Business Conference, 19 – 21. August, Vaasa.

Mello, R., Dickmann, M., Brewster, C. and Suutari, V. (2021). “The long-term effects of self-initiated international assignments on future careers of assignees”; Chapter 6 in M. Andresen, C. Brewster & V. Suutari Mastering the Context of Self-Initiated Careers: Recognizing Space, Time and Institutions, New York: Routledge

Press release from UVA (2019): About the role of ESR 4 representing GLOMO at eh University of Vaasa.

Press release from VOX Cordis Magazine (2020): Interview with ESR 4 and Professor Vesa Suutari about the outcomes of the project.


Martel, K., (2020). Individual identities and belonging in situations of international mobility – a thematic review, European Academy of Management Conference 2020, 4-6 December, 2020, Dublin / virtual.

Martel, K. (2020). Migrant’ or ‘global talent’? – Problematizing the use of labels in management research and public discourse – European Group for Organizational Studies Conference, 2-4 July, 2020, Hamburg / virtual.

Martel, K. (2020). “Actualizing the virtual: Deleuze’s philosophy as horizon for understanding mobility narratives” – Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism, 6-9 July, 2020, Copenhagen. – postponed to 2021.

Martel, K. (2019). Expatriate or migrant? – Problematizing the use of labels in International Human Resource Management, Organizing Migration & Integration in Contemporary Societies, 6-8 November 2019, Gothenborg.

Martel, K. (2019). Beyond Categorization? – a review of identity research in intercultural management and expatriation studies, 31 October – 2 November, 2019, Paris.


Abdul Hadi, A. and Al Ariss, A. (2020). Defining and predicting expatriates’ performance: A Review and Future Research Agenda, European Academy of Management Conference, 4 – 6. December, Virtual Conference.


Nguyen, A. and Andresen, M. (2019). Why migrant employees stay abroad:  A systematic review on job embedded-ness and presentation of a research map., European Academy of Management Conference, June.

Press release at Bayerische Staatszeitung (2020): Ausländische Fachkräfte langfristig binden Wie Unternehmen Migrant*innen integrieren.

ESR 10

Vulchanov, I.O. and Zoelner, M. (2020), ‘An Outline for an Integrated Language-Sensitive Approach to Global Work and Mobility: Cross-Fertilising Expatriate and International Business and Management Research’, Journal of Global Mobility. Accepted for publication.

Vulchanov, I.O. and Zoelner, M. (2020). Translating Between Traditions: Setting an Agenda for Integrated Language-Sensitive Research of Global Work. Association of International Business Conference.

Vulchanov, I.O. and Zoelner, M. (2020). Multilingualism in International Workforces: an Outline for an Integrated Language-Sensitive Approach to Global Work and Mobility, European Academy of Management Conference (virtual), 04.-06. Dec 2020, Dublin.

ESR 11

Raupp, M., Dickmann, M. and Parry, E. (2019). Watch the steps! Towards the Understanding of Unwelcoming Expatriate Work Environments, European Academy of Management Conference, 26 – 28. June, Lisbon.

Raupp, M., Dickmann, M., Parry, E. and Suutari, V. (2020). Towards the understanding of hostile expatriate work environments: a systematic literature review. European Academy of Management Conference, 4 – 6. December, Virtual Conference.

Press release at Cranfield University’s Media Partners (2020): GM’s reaction to COVID-19 – Hostile Environments.

ESR 12

Bassetto, J. (2019). Report on Brain Drain in collaboration with Algebris Investments and Think Tank Tortuga. Online at

Bassetto, J. (2019). Standardized recognition of certificates and migrants’ labor market outcomes. ESPE Conference, Bath

Bassetto, J. (2020). Standardized recognition of certificates and migrants’ labor market outcomes, EALE Conference.

Press release at (2019): Article about Brain Drain on the Italian online newspaper.

ESR 13

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, IAAEU 13th Workshop on Labour Economics, March 25-26, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, Scottish Economic Society (SES) Congress, April 26-27, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, DIW Workshop “Women on the Move – Current Perspective on Female Migration”, May 6-7, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO), May 24-25, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, 29th IAFFE Annual Conference, June 21-25, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, XIV Meeting on Labour Economics (JEL), June 30 – July 2, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference “Crossing borders, connecting cultures”, July 7-8, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, EURAM, June 16-18, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, The 2nd Brazilian Meeting in Family and Gender Economics, August 30-31, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2021, Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers, European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) Conference, September 16-18, 2021

Freitas Monteiro, T. (2020). International Family Joint Migration. European Academy of Management Conference, 4 – 6. December, virtual.

Freitas Monteiro, T. (2020). Tied Mover. Wikipedia Publication, Submitted to Wikipedia for Verification in November 2020.

Freitas Monteiro, T., 2020, Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany, BeNA Winter Workshop, November 27, 2020

ESR 15

Bozhinoska Lazarova M., Saalfeld T. and Seifert O. (2020) What does it take for immigrants to join political parties?, ECPR General Conference, 24 – 28 August 2020, virtual.

Bozhinoska Lazarova M (2020) [Literature Review] Citizens of Immigrant Origin and Political Parties: Careers and opportunities, December 2020.

Bozhinoska Lazarova M. and Saalfeld T. (2020). Citizens of Immigrant Origin and Political Parties: Careers and opportunities. European Academy of Management Conference, 4 – 6. December, virtual.