30 January 2023

Following a tour of the Teesworks Industrial Zone conducted by Project Manager Simon Bailey, the TransFIRe EDI team visited the Materials Processing Institute (MPI) in Middlesbrough, where we were hosted by the HR Director & EDI lead Melissa Bevington and Jon Bolton the Executive Chairman.

We were given insights on MPI’s vision, mission and EDI policy as well as a number of policies linking directly to the Equality Act 2010 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 including policies on menopause, working from home, flexible working, mental health and wellbeing, assistance animals, grievances, anti-bullying and harassment.

Around 30%-40% of the eighty five staff at MPI work to a hybrid work pattern, with 3 WFH permanently. Employees are encouraged ‘to flourish wherever they are’, thus being inclusive of those who may have parental or carer responsibilities, and to support to those who may have mental health reasons.

We watched a video of employees talking about their lived experiences and careers, and we learnt about the MPI Millman Scholarship which is given annually to a Materials Science student. The scholarship includes a £1500 annual grant, an industry mentor, guaranteed paid summer work experience and access to industry experts. The institute recently awarded their first ever female Millman scholar.

We had a focus group discussion with a diverse selection of staff members to discuss their perspectives on EDI at their workplace and share their lived experiences, and for us to share the EDI work at TransFIRe. The participants expressed that MPI is a positive and inclusive workplace where they all feel a sense of belonging and inclusivity. They expressed that MPI endeavours to embed EDI and they emphasised that should a problem occur, their employer fosters an open and transparent culture, where they feel able and empowered to address issues. All participants expressed that they had not encountered issues such as discrimination or microaggressions at MPI.

One participant expressed a need for role modelling support to inspire children to explore a career in Materials Science. Another participant mentioned a local initiative which is used by businesses to register interest in supporting schools and for schools to find support from businesses, for instance work experience or mock interviews for their students. Another participant already visits schools locally and further afield, to speak about his career to children and particularly children from an underrepresented background, who have never seen someone who looks like them working in a materials science career. Drawing from their lived experience, two participants highlighted the need to reach out to over 50s and also veterans who may be retired or out of work, to reengage and reskill them into return to work. Following the visit, we will do a follow up meeting in 3-6 months time.

Ciel Newton