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An interactive programme of events to share insights and learning across Foundation Industries to support progression towards transformation. The forum includes a series of workshops with the opportunity for you to meet industry experts and leading academics.

Workshop One: Transforming Industries from within – our EDI approach

How do we become truly transformative within our industries? How can we become more inclusive and diverse in our workforces? What are the changes that we are making? An opportunity to hear from practitioners and industry, to share your experiences and develop good practice guidelines.

Workshop Two: Transformation Futures, Sharing updates from our Projects

What needs to happen to transform Foundation Industries? Completed Network+ project showcase. TransFIRe Technical Working Groups & Case Studies. Discussion on learning and insights from research and how it supports transformative change.

Workshop Three: Horizon Scanning and Research and Innovation Priorities

This session will explore four future scenarios for the Foundation Industries, invite discussion on approaches to resolve challenges, and set priorities for research and innovation in the short term and for further investment in the longer term.

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