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International Synergies and TransFIRe are pleased to extend to you an invitation to our second cross sector, resource matching workshop which will be delivered as part of the TransFIRe project.

Register for the event here

Workshop Summary

The aim of this session is to bring together the six foundation industries, with representation from their respective supply chains and other sectors which could supply solutions, to identify opportunities for industrial symbiosis. The focal point of our workshop will be the use of a simple, internationally proven resource matching methodology that seeks to identify new business opportunities for participants’ waste resources. The session is interactive and will require a modest of amount of preparation from all delegates ahead of the event. The output will be a significant number of industrial symbiosis synergies, some quick wins and others longer term innovation opportunities. All will have the potential to reduce cost, cut carbon emissions and reduce waste disposal volumes.

You will be contacted in the week prior to the workshop regarding what information to bring with you on your own resource HAVES and WANTS. This is a key component of the matching process which is undertaken on the day and involves minimal preparation.

• HAVES are resources that your company produce and wish to find a higher value market opportunity for, these could be resources such process wastes, by products, energy and heat, water, logistics or processing capacity.

• WANTS are resources that your company could potentially use as process inputs and represent an opportunity for a more cost effective and sustainable source of raw material, water, energy or logistics.


The primary aim of the workshop session will be to identify opportunities to match these HAVES and WANTS together, to create win-win synergies between organisations in the room and potentially further afield. It will also provide an

The event will also provide an opportunity to understand regional and national project funding opportunities from the KTN, as well as updates from the Humber Energy Cluster, University of Leeds and the wider circular economy initiatives happening in the HEY LEP region.


Workshop Agenda, 19th April 2023, 09.00 to 12.30

The agenda for the resource matching workshop is:

09.00 Registration & Networking

09.30 HEY LEP LEP welcome and regional CE initiatives update

09.50 Welcome and Introduction to TransFIRe

10.05 University of Leeds Foundation Industry Presentation

10.35 Introduction to the Workshop Session

10.50 Interactive Resource Matching Workshop

12.20 Workshop Summary

12.30 Close & Lunch


Workshop Follow Up

Our aim is that within a week of the event’s conclusion, you will receive your own bespoke company report identifying those potential resource matches that were created on the day, as well any additional opportunities, beyond the workshop, that have been identified from our supporting data analysis.

Our intention is to also hold a short follow up virtual workshop, for which you will receive a separate invite. Here we will present more detailed outcomes of the resource matching session and engage in a discussion on how together we can successfully advance the identified synergies.

Finally, we look forward to your participation in what should be an enjoyable and productive session.


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