2nd International Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation

The 2nd International Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation, organised by Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen at the University of Bamberg, will take place from the 11th to the 12th of April 2022 in Bamberg, Germany.

As a follow-up to the 1st Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation in Toulouse, this two-day event will address the careers of Self-Initiated Expatriates (SIEs), as well as the value these globally mobile individuals bring to companies and, more broadly, to host-country economies and societies.

SIEs are individuals who seek and start a new job/career in another country on their own initiative. For this new job abroad, SIEs either relocate physically or work virtually by international remote work.

This interdisciplinary conference will bring academia and industry together for a fruitful exchange of ideas.

We are delighted to announce our plenary keynote speakers:

Herbert Brücker, Department Head (International Comparisons and European Integration) – Institute for Employment Research (IAB).
Frédéric Docquier, Research Program Leader (on Crossing Borders) – Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research.
Hugh Gunz, Professor Emeritus – University of Toronto Mississauga.
Mila Lazarova, Associate Professor – Beedie School of Business and Simon Fraser University.

Call for Papers
Submit Paper

Who should attend

This conference will provide the ideal opportunity for researchers and practitioners from all over the world who are active or interested in the field of international mobility, migration and careers, to

  • disseminate and discuss the latest research on expatriation at the individual, organisational and societal level,
  • share insights on how to put research into practice,
  • explore new international research and business collaborations,
  • meet in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere to exchange views and build relationships.

Submission details

The conference will include paper presentations followed by roundtables for discussion with audience members. Anyone with interest in  expatriation from an individual, organisational or societal perspective is invited to submit their short paper (in English, 3,000 words – incl. references, all appendices and other material – and formatted as per APA style).
We welcome both (academic) research papers and (practitioner-focused) rapid evidence assessments.

Papers should include:

  • A brief overview or abstract to be included in the conference programme (max 100 words)
  • The aims and/or intended contributions of the study;
  • An outline description of the theoretical framework and concepts;
  • The research design and approach to data analysis (where applicable);
  • The key findings, along with their theoretical and practical significance.

All submissions must be original and should not have been previously accepted for publication in a journal. All submissions will be blind reviewed.

Authors who would like to submit their conference paper to a Special Issue of Career Development International are offered to attend a Paper Development Workshop at the conference to receive feedback from the guest editors. If you would like to attend this workshop, please indicate this in your submission of your short paper on November 15, 2021. In preparation for this workshop, the CDI Guest Editors request that all submitters whose short papers have been accepted for the conference additionally submit their full papers via the conference system no later than February 01, 2022.

For the full paper, CDI’s author guidelines apply (see https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cdi#author-guidelines). Articles should be between 5000 and 7000 words in length (this includes all text, for example, the structured abstract, references, all text in tables, and figures and appendices; please allow 280 words for each figure or table).

Please submit your paper below, in Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format (excluding any author identifying information).

Submit paper

Deadline for short paper submissions: Tuesday 15 November 2021, 23:59:59 CET (Central European Time)

Decision on paper acceptance: Tuesday 14 December 2021.

Conference registration information to follow.

Conference fees: €160 (€80 for PhD candidates/students)

Organising committee

Maike Andresen (Chair), University of Bamberg
Manh Ha Luong, University of Bamberg

Scientific committee

Maike Andresen, University of Bamberg/DE
Cordula Barzantny, Toulouse Business School/FR
Herbert Brücker, IAB/DE
Michael Dickmann, Cranfield University/UK
Sara Louise Muhr, Copenhagen Business School/DK
Vesa Suutari, University of Vaasa/FI

Special guests

Jaime Bonache, University of Madrid/ES
Chris Brewster, Henley Business School/UK
Marion Festing, ESCP Business School, Berlin/DE
Jan Selmer, Aarhus University/DK

If you have any queries about this event please get in touch: conference.glomo@uni-bamberg.de