Make sustainable manufacturing the heart of the UK’s net zero transformation

The UK’s net zero future will depend on making things in sustainable ways, with close attention to the whole cycle: the materials we use, the energy and carbon emissions involved in processes, and the opportunities for re-use, re-manufacturing and (last of all) recycling. But for the time being the manufacturing sector in the UK — the sector that globally generates around a third of all carbon emissions — is mired in old ways. The sector has become stuck within a wasteful system based around imports of products and materials, and exports of materials that could have been re-used or recycled. There is still a take-make-dispose mindset. We have industries without the means or motivation to move away from energy intensive, carbon-heavy processes. And while the UK’s carbon footprint is ‘off-shored’ to other nations, increasingly important materials, resources and business opportunities are draining away; consumers are misled over the actual [...]