Spotlight Interview with Professor Mark Jolly

Can you introduce yourself and tell me a bit about your role within TransFIRe? I'm Mark Jolly, Professor and Director of Manufacturing and Materials at Cranfield University and I've been in post for about three and a half years. I'm actually a metallurgist by background and worked in industry for many years before moving into academia.  After spending some time at Birmingham University, I moved to Cranfield about 10 years ago and became more and more interested in energy and sustainability. This led me to co-write and co-create the idea for the Transforming Foundation Industries Research and Innovation Hub, or TransFIRe. My role in TransFIRe is really to get foundation industries and academics together, to get them to work in the same direction and think in the same way, to help reduce carbon emissions and get to the Government targets of net zero by 2050. The programme is [...]

2023-02-13T13:58:17+00:00February 13th, 2023|